a data-driven,
measureable approach to
leadership development and
personal growth

Please look over the list of assessments below.
If one of them sounds interesting to you simply click HERE to send me a note.

The Discipleship Dynamics Assessment (DDA) is a biblical, comprehensive, practical resource offering individuals and churches clear understanding of their current discipleship maturity in 5 Dimensions and up to 40 Outcomes that touch on all facets of the Christian life. Now, for the first time, by using scriptural principles in conjunction with tested methods of social science, you can truly discover where you are in your spiritual life, accurately define your spiritual strengths and weaknesses and find resources designed to build your life of discipleship. Team or Congregational reports are available for leaders.
The people I coach purchase and take this assessment on their own by following this LINK. The cost for the assessment is $19 and is payable on the link I provided above. Two coaching sessions are recommended in order to more fully understand and apply your results.

Five Behaviors is a team assessment that each member of your team completes in order to learn more about how each person functions best as an individual and as a team player. This assessment is utilized when the whole team is receiving coaching.
The Five Behaviors Assessment costs $125 plus the cost of coaching. Individual and team coaching is recommended in order to more fully understand and apply your results. This arrangement is custom designed according to your needs.

The Golden is based on the latest in personality theory research. Individuals and/or teams are measured on the following scales: Extroverted-Introverted, Sensing-Intuition, Thinking-Feeling, Organizing-Adapting, and Tense-Calm. These five scales are further broken down into 36 facet scales that give a much deeper analysis of an individual’s unique personality. Team reports are available and indicate how team members can best interact and succeed.
The Golden Assessment costs $50 plus the cost of coaching. Three coaching sessions are recommended in order to more fully understand and apply your results.

The Work Behavior Inventory (WBI) measures an individual’s work and leadership style, influencing/selling style, personality characteristics, emotional intelligence, and behavioral potential. The report includes potential assets as well as potential cautions that will clarify areas of strength and areas for growth.
The WBI costs $80 plus the cost of coaching. Three coaching sessions are recommended in order to more fully understand and apply your results.

The 360 Leadership Assessment assesses your competence and strengths from the perspectives of others all around you. This includes your own perceptions and the perceptions of your supervisor, colleagues, and direct reports (or people who look to you for leadership). The information is gathered in a way that protects the confidentiality of the raters and provides a clear focus for leadership development. This data-driven approach to personal development includes a Leader Development Action Plan that you create with your coach.
The 360 Leadership Assessment costs $295 plus the cost of coaching. Three coaching sessions are recommended in order to more fully understand and apply your results.
The Spiritual Leader Trait Assessment (SLTA) is a 360° assessment that gives you feedback on 24 specific Spiritual Leadership Traits. You select between 60 and 80 colleagues, supervisors, and direct reports and they are sent a link to participate in a confidential online evaluation of how they perceive you to be exhibiting such character traits as self-control, humility, flexibility, self-discipline, and reliability. This assessment is great for affirming areas of strength for you as well as pointing out blind spots that might be inhibiting your growth as an effective leader.
The SLTA costs $95 plus the cost of coaching. Three coaching sessions are recommended in order to more fully understand and apply your results.